#mantra2024 #thankfulthursday
Our TAG (Travel Assignment Group) 2024 Mantra is ‘travel for you’ and we’ll be exploring and sharing on this theme throughout the year.
But first we wanted to know from our Team TAG members, ‘What is your 2024 mantra?’ What are your first 3 words to launch your 20-twenty4-U ?
🕹 Leading by example Team Leader Kriloshni Gounden launches in with her #mantra2024
➡ 3 words 2024 mantra
➡ What do those words mean to you?
Growth – to be a better person than I was the day before and to grow every day by 1%
Alignment – to be aligned with myself and my goals for 2024
Gratitude – Practicing gratitude every day
➡ Of the three, which one makes the most impact (or resonates most) to your 20-twenty4-U.
➡ Setting any goals or intentions for 2024?
Listing ten things that I am grateful for every morning when I wake up.
➡ Krilo’s family picture share is a treasured and grateful December memory she is carrying with her into 2024.
🚀 TAG’s Nadine Morley was the quickest off the starters block sending her thoughts and words through first, showing again, she is up to any challenge!
Nades first three words and meanings were:
Balance – create harmony and live a balance between work, family & play.
Magic – create and have magic moments for both myself, my family, friends, colleagues, and clients. Be available for the magic we can create and enjoy.
Beauty – see everything and everyone with the beauty they/it deserves. Try and turn negatives to positives. A year for blossoming.
✨ ‘MAGIC’ – is the ‘word’ Nadine is ‘holding 2024 to’…
‘I want the year to be magical. Filled with fun, laughter and happiness. Moments that make the stars & sunshine brighter, that bring joy. When one is in a positive and happy place, everything else just seems to come together.’
Our friendly and expert TAG team is setting their new year mantra with powerful words, so watch this space for the great shares and pearls of wisdom from the best folks in travel ✈
That’s the TAG way!
🔮 What is yours Taggers? Share in the comments.
Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Irene Van Aswegen Yumna Adams Zoelfah Martin Debbie Van Heerden Henry Annandale michelle powell Shirani Gaymans Caroline Ramphele Jenna De Agrela Pauline Collinson Candice October Gillian Hurford Tamryn Jonker
#tagtravel #wedoitdifferently #20twenty4U #togetherwecan #togetherintravel #teamculture #gratefuljourney #2024goals #GetTAGGED