Travel News


Tourism and aviation: In desperate need of a kickstart

If you love what you do, you’ll go all in.
You’ll embrace the pain of improvement and the boredom of consistency. If you love it, failure won’t stop you from getting up and doing it again. It’s easy to tell if someone truly loves what they do,
because actions reveal commitment. – Justin Su’a

At TAG (Travel Assignment Group) the current ‘battle’ is not our focus, you are, our customer, your peace of mind travels, your next bucket list experience, your next event and your desire to reconnect is our passion. We’re all in today, tomorrow and the next day. Get Tagged!

SA – Steady decline in Active Cases for 27 days now! Vaccine roll-out on hold as more tests & data are collected.
UK – Hotel quarantine for passengers who have been in ‘red list’ countries, incl. SA, starts Feb 15. UK Govt set to announce double-testing regime for all arrivals
Japan- extends travel restrictions
Canada- bans cruise ships until Feb 2022
Myanmar- flights grounded for nearly 3 months
Seychelles -is opening to fully vaccinated travellers
Cuba -offers to vaccinate tourists
Germany -travel chaos after heavy snow
Congo -working to stop new Ebola outbreak
Zimbabwe -National Park closes for maintenance

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