Travel News

#day320lockdown #chooseday

International Travel & Level 1 Updates

When the roots are deep,
there is no reason to fear
the wind.

Captain Jonathan Gerber in his weekly check-in brought a message of hope, positivity & leadership to his team. He encouraged #TeamTAG to remain positive, to focus on the good & to remain committed to our TAG vision, the strategy agreed on & most importantly to care for each other and ourselves.

“I appreciate all the sacrifices that you have all made, we have done the right things, we will survive this. Just keep at it! I know that many of us have ‘covid-fatigue’, it’s enough now! But this too shall pass. We are now closer to the end than the beginning – is that not great news?”

Dig Deep Taggers – #inittogether !!

SA –Tourism Equity Fund halted. Rwanda Air suspends Jhb, Cape Town, Lusaka & Harare flights. Steady decline of active cases continues.
UK -Hotels & Govt ‘wrangle’ over quarantine contracts. UK bans all flights from UAE. Travellers to UK to be tested after arrival.
Ireland -to tackle UK holidaymakers using ‘Dublin dodge’ to avoid quarantine
Germany -Berlin airport Terminal 5 to close on Feb 23
Austria-eases virus curbs
Australia -continues quarantine for overseas visitors
Wales -tourism plans April reopening
Greece -plans to reopen for travel by June
