TAG News

#day365lockdown – One Year Anniversary


#day365lockdown #tagunmasked #yearinreview
Today marks the one-year calendar lockdown ‘anniversary’. Jonathan Gerber led us into the lockdown saying: “Fellow Taggers, please approach everything with a sense of diligence, a dollop of humour & a great deal of empathy for those affected. Those things will differentiate us from the rest.” And reminded us to never let a good crisis go to waste. He vehemently stands by this today!

Jonny’s 20:21 reflections on #lockdownsa
The Good – Our Resilience, we’re still here, more focused & grateful. The Bad – Poor leadership, unclear communication & authoritarian state. The Ugly – Vaccine rollout, a really poor show.
Lessons learnt? We are more powerful & more resilient than we think & need less than what we thought! He reminded #TeamTAG that we’re #inthistogether more than ever & a year later are closer to the end than the beginning.

Why is TAG still the best choice going forward? Not many businesses could have had zero revenue & still be around, our strong balance sheet will pull us through. A demand to travel is building, we are the right partner based on choice, qualified staff, world class technology & willing can-do attitude. Technology makes it possible; our people make it happen.

Captain, our Captain💗 We’re in this for the W, 💯!!