Joelene Roberts 20:21 reflections #day369lockdown
Our incredible Joe, aka, ‘The Fixer’, expresses her disbelief that a year down the line we still find ourselves restricted, regulated & isolated (esp SA travellers). In hindsight we’ve now learnt that #lockdownlife for some has been enlightening; some have simply pressed ‘pause’ on this chapter & sadly for others it’s been totally unbearable. Each one’s journey is to be respected, understood & reflected on.
Lessons learnt? It’s been tough guys! I’ve had to learn patience & understand for once I cannot ‘fix’ this or make it disappear with my ‘magic cell’. Humility is key to opening any kind of understanding in this tumultuous journey.
Why is TAG still the best choice going forward? Our Leadership Team cares about our people, our people care about our clients & we have all the necessary tools at our fingertips. It’s what sets us apart from other businesses. TAG’s vision remains unhinged, we have understanding in the uncertainty, clarity in the complexity & we’re agile in the ambiguity of this ever-changing world. I’m so proud to be a part of this Management Team & TAG family.
We move forward confidently, adapting ourselves to circumstances & rising to the challenges.