TAG News

Kim Parker 20:21 Reflections

Kim Parker 20:21 Reflections
#tagunmasked #yearinreview
Kim Parker 20:21 reflections on #day376lockdown
Being Head of Sales in a pandemic and for a Travel Company, is a whole kind of brave on its own! But our dynamic and passionate Kim managed to find the magic and the good through it all.

“There’s a wonder & joy in the realisation your kids are the future, there’s magic knowing you have a work team standing with you, besides you & the greatest magic is waking-up every day healthy, happy and grateful.”

Lessons learnt? Quite simply to know, ‘it’s ok, not to be ok.’ The good days outweigh the bad days in the end. And I’ve learnt to listen…to others & myself more. Just be still & listen.

Why is TAG still the best choice going forward? We go the extra mile & no matter what, we are partners with you on this journey. It’s in our leadership, the Team finds strength & it our fearless attitude that will partner you in the good, bad and ugly times. Your well-being is our prime focus & yes, we’ll do the ‘jumping through hoops’ to get what you need!

Care – Consistency – Commitment is what we’ve shown during lockdown, the future will have us better, stronger & braver.
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Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Irene Van Aswegen Zoelfah Martin