Travel News


“OK, OK; I’m
Gonna Freak
Right Out

Feeling a little overwhelmed & want to flip your….lid ;0 at the current situation, the hourly and daily changes in each country travel restrictions, rules & regulations.

Stay Calm, We Hear You and TAG (Travel Assignment Group) have GOT YOU! Let our expert professional TAG agents efficiently and effectively give you ‘peace of mind’ travels today and every day. We’ll help you reconnect safely and together we’ll take your travel needs to the next level.

Connect with Kim Parker Zoelfah Martin – they’ll sort out your ‘freaking problems’, because we just do it differently.

Plus we have all the #dailynewsupdates
SA – HM Dr Z Mkhize this morning launched the 2nd phase of govt’s vaccine registration. Citizens aged 60+ can register from 16h00, today, Friday 16 April. Link in comments.
Israel -plans to cautiously open to tourism, from May 23
Netherlands – Ban on flights from SA, countries in Central & South America remain in place until 1 May 2021
Greece -reopens for tourism
USA – Los Angeles large-scale business events resume
Northern Ireland – eases hospitality restrictions
UK -Long queues expected at airports
Croatia -vaccinates tourism workers

#tagtravel #stayconnected #reset #rebuildingtogether