TAG News

Nadine Morley’s 20:21 reflections

Nadine Morley's 20:21 reflections

#tagunmasked #yearinreview
Nadine Morley‘s 20:21 reflections
Remaining upbeat, positive & determined is how our resolute Nades has grinded out this lockdown. In her own words, “I just want to meet face-to-face, am over Zoom Meetings, I miss my colleagues & office banter. The huge benefits are that I now value my time spent with my family far more, I laugh more & I’m generally happier, even though a little ‘lighter’ in the pocket.” Grateful in this tumultuous year she expresses, “TAG has been amazing during the past year – Employer of the Year!”

Lessons learnt? Much more resilient than I thought I could ever be & bizarrely, I have become less resentful to things during this time of learning.

Why is TAG still the best choice going forward? Travelit has taken the time of #lockdown to evolve & develop their product further. With new offerings such as ExpenseIT , which is quite simply a corporates dream to effectively managing your expense claims, advances & allowances, it makes for an even more effective & truly an ultimate travel app ‘must-have’ for all corporates. Travelit will enhance your current travel setup or offered as a standalone product to those who may not yet be a TAG customer.

Connect with Nades for a smarter better business solution.
