Travel News

Digital Green Certificate Regulation

TAG Travel - Better Business Travel Management

Europe’s aviation, travel & tourism sectors fully welcome yesterday’s vote in the EU Parliament on the EU’s proposed Digital Green Certificate Regulation, setting trilogue negotiations between the Parliament, the Council & the EU into motion. Swift action & alignment among the institutions is now critical in order to make the certificates operational by June & ensure reciprocity with non-EU systems. Common, interoperable, secure & GDPR-compliant health certificates represent an essential tool to facilitate the free movement of people within the EU & reopen #travel in a safe & responsible way through the easing & ultimately lifting of current travel restrictions.

Recent IATA survey reports, 72% of people want to travel to see family & friends asap. The sectors urge swift negotiations & agreement by mid-May so that pilot testing & full implementation can take place in June. Time is of the essence, to offer EU citizens a much-needed breather after a year of #lockdowns & #travelrestrictions which have negatively impacted consumers’ mental health & well-being.

We have to ask, when will the world open its borders to SAns? And what is SA govt & Tourism Dept doing to change the perceptions & global stance on SAns travel & restrictions?

Jonathan Gerber Gavin Stevens Joelene Roberts