Travel News



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Realise that it’s never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Keep your spirits up. Choose happiness and let it reflect in everything you do. You’ve got this Taggers!

Today is Int’l #DayofFamilies but many are still apart. We support #IATA to safely reunite with #family after a long separation #Fly2Reunite
SA -Phase 2 vaccination rollout started. 290 000+ senior citizens have registered in Gauteng. 87 sites around country open to start rollout
UK – Calls to speed up queues at UK border, as holidaymakers from England, Wales & Scotland can now travel to ‘green-listed’ countries
Saudi Arabia – lifts ban allowing citizens to travel out of the Gulf state without prior permission from authorities
Greece -opens up for tourism
Scotland-eases restrictions, but not in Glasgow
Sri Lanka -allows foreign tourists in bubble system
US – Florida theme parks ease mask requirements & Vegas casinos switch to full capacity
Israel -Airlines cancel flights into Tel Aviv due to the ongoing crisis in Israel
Belize-no longer requires health app
Spain -launches Travel safe website

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