IATA records growing frustration over travel restrictions. A survey commissioned by the trade body of 4,700 respondents in 11 markets in September demonstrated confidence that the risks of Covid-19 can be effectively managed and that the freedom to travel should be restored.
In summary response showed:
– risks of Covid-19 can be effectively managed and that the freedom to travel should be restored
– borders should be opened now
– 64% felt that border closures are unnecessary & have not been effective in containing the virus
– 73% felt their quality of life has suffered as result of restrictions
– miss freedom of flying, reconnecting with friends & family & want it restored
– 84 % of respondents indicated that they will not travel if there is a chance of quarantine at their destination
– 80% agree that vaccinated people should be able to travel freely by air, but strong views against making vaccination a condition for air travel
– 80% believe that testing before air travel should be an alternative for people without access to vaccination
– cost or the inconvenience of testing needs to be addressed by Goverments
“It is also clear that while people accept testing and other measures such as mask-wearing as necessary, they want to return to more normal ways of travel when it is safe to do so,” added Willie Walsh, IATA director general.
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