TAG Foundation

Tradition of Excellence

Massive congratulations to our King Edward VII School matriculants on their fantastic results.
The TAG Foundation thrilled with the results achieved by our Taggers, Class of 2022.
“Well done to all our matrics of 2022 on your results! Lots of lovely surprises 👏🏻Your hard work paid off and we are so proud of all of you. We can’t wait to see what your next chapter brings. Please keep in touch with us, as we are missing you all already!” – Traci Stuart Gerber
“Well done gents! Proud as punch with our 100% Taggers pass rate. The journey that these lads have travelled is a remarkable one. My sincere thanks to our partner school, King Edward VII School, Traci and Senzo.” – JG
🌟Bandile Shazi
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass.
Will be studying & playing rugby at UJ
🌟Siyabonga Sewape
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass, 1 distinction
Currently in the ‘interview process’ for internship positions for 2023
🌟Lebogang Selahla
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass
Will studying & playing rugby at UJ
🌟Ndzalama Rikhotso
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass, 2 distinctions
Currently waiting to hear on ‘university acceptance’
🌟Katleho Mpemvu
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass, 2 distinctions
Currently waiting on ‘university acceptance’
🌟Mangoliso Ncunca
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass, 1 distinction
Studying & playing rugby at WITS 2023
🌟Tino Sadaraki
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass
Currently coaching at KES & waiting to hear on ‘university acceptance’ for 2023
🌟Thabang Mphafi
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass
Will be studying & playing rugby at UJ
🌟Dihan du Toit
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass, 2 distinctions
Studying Equestrian Science at Rose Lane Equine Training Centre in 2023
🌟Keegan Rea
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass, 2 distinctions
Will be studying & playing hockey at WITS
🌟Alessandro Seach
– Bachelor’s Degree Pass, 3 distinctions
Studying at WITS in 2023
❤️Red Class
❤️Red Pride
❤️Red Excellence
Class of 2022, we salute you and the Headmaster, staff, mentors, family and our most amazing TAG Tribe who have seen, supported and been there for these lads in big and small ways.
Our hearts are full. Go well young men. Your future awaits and it is bright and promising.