TAG Foundation

Magic Moments✨️

#thankfulthursday #greatnesswithin

Magic Moments✨️

TAG (Travel Assignment Group) TAG Foundation recipient Esethu Mnebelele in a work-week of frustrations due to the loadshedding, water-shedding and the big freeze has brought our #tagtribe smiles, pride and reflection on what really counts in life! And that one can do anything if you dig deep, work hard, keep the faith and surround yourself with a strong group of peers, mentors, friends and family who walk with you through ‘thick and thin’.

👑 Siphosethu Mnebelele (Golden Lions, KES 1st XV) and Now..

SA Schools 2023 XV
starting no 2 (hooker) 🔥👏🏾

TAG Foundation co-founder Jonathan Gerber brimming with pure elation and pride shared some of Esethu’s story with our TAG team:
“On Saturday I received the most brilliant news! One of our TAG Foundation boys has had what most would call a torrid upbringing. Orphaned at a young age and being cared for by his aunt has never been an excuse. A more well-mannered and respectful young man you will battle to meet, but more than that a more hard-working young man you will find hard to meet. He knows and understands that an education and potentially rugby can get him out of the cycle of poverty that he has had to endure for his entire life. He could easily have just said, ‘woe is me’ and been totally justified in just eking out an ordinary existence. But that is not how Esethu operates. He was recently (U16 level) moved from 8th man to hooker given that they think he won’t be big enough to make it to the top level as an 8. Since he made the move, not a single day has passed that he is not working on his game, asking for advice, practicing throwing in the lineouts, working on his hooking technique and watching how the best hookers play and trying to master the skills of his new position. He is teachable, respectful, humble hardworking and a great kid. He is exactly the type of young man that we as TAG Foundation are striving to give a step up to in this world.

Esethu has enough good people around him and a mature head on his shoulders to just make this the beginning of a wonderful adventure and career. Well done Esethu, keep your feet on the ground, continue to work hard and to make yourself proud.”

A true story of courage, commitment and community. And that really epitomises what our Foundation stands for, lives by and is simply driven by the spirit of #ubuntu and the will to make a difference in the lives of competent learners. Through the generosity of our amazing sponsors, donors, partner schools King Edward VII School Parktown High School for Girls we are 💯 committed to nurturing #changemakers #worldshakers and the future through education.

If you want to hear more of these amazing life stories & meet the tribe who make it all happen – please join us our Annual TAG Foundation party, 27 July.
Senzo Mkhize has all the info.

#tagtravel #tagfoundation #changinglives #makingadifferencetogether #welldoneesethu