TAG (Travel Assignment Group) CEO Jonathan Gerber in #womensmonth shared a message full of praise, acknowledgement, and pride for our TAG women in travel. He also shares how the important women in his life have shaped and guided him and TAG as a business.
“TAG is a unique company; we employ 53 people and of that only 12 are male! That means that 41 of our employees or 77% are female. This month and today are important for us to recognise the contribution made to TAG and indeed South Africa by our fearless and strong women.
It was Margaret Thatcher who coined the phrase – “If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman”.
I was fortunate enough to grow up in a house with a loving and caring mother, whilst she was fierce at times, she held the entire show together and taught me many of my life lessons that I hold dear today. My mom trained as a nurse and at the age of 40 my mom decided to get her degree at Unisa. Bearing in mind that she had three kids at the time, a demanding husband, and a full life this was indeed a daunting task. But guess what, she graduated Cum Laude and looking back taught me what a great work ethic is all about. I am lucky enough to still have her around and count myself fortunate to also have Traci, my wife and Amy, my daughter as powerful forces in my life. And then of course I also have my 41 work wives around that I am truly grateful for daily, I have said it before, but the Women are the driving force behind TAG. They care, they work hard, and they add value to our great business – Thank you.
Thank you for all that you do and enjoy the public holiday today. When one considers that over 60% of South African homes are fatherless the role of the women and mothers becomes even more critical in a national context.
I am grateful to all the women in my life for adding value and going the extra mile. I quite simply could not do it without all of you and TAG is the better because of it.
Enjoy your special day. I hope that you all get spoilt and told how special you all are.” ~ Jonathan Gerber
To all the #womenintravel we see you, we appreciate you and we value your service to our industry. Salute!!
Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Debbie Van Heerden Irene Van Aswegen Zoelfah Martin Yumna Adams Candice October Tamsiane Ruiter – Kontyo Kriloshni Gounden Terry Annandale Jenna De Agrela Ann (Bobbi) Markantonis Rosa Dos Santos Kefilwe Mamashela Kersha Naidoo Andrina Skhosana Caroline Ramphele michelle powell Shirani Gaymans Tracey-lee Rhoode Abida Osman Gillian Hurford Candice Cabrita Tamryn Jonker Alison Leon Lisa Slooten Nadine Morley Joy Adams James Gerber Themba Mpemvu Katleho Mpemvu
#tagtravel #wedoitdifferently #womensday2023 #strongertogether #togetherintravel #togetherwerise #womenchangemakers #GetTAGGED