June and July literally felt like a life-blur and August seems to be on fast-play too right?! Great haste makes great waste. When ‘being rushed’ is the problem. Rushing is never the solution. Yoh, just breathe!
Rushing never saved the time that planning did. Especially true in travel planning and that is why TAG (Travel Assignment Group) offers a complete #travelsolution in one place. Let our TAG TEAM effectively shape your travel programme through our people and our technology, ensuring you, our customer, benefits from a smarter better business solution.
Connect and chat to Debbie Van Heerden Irene Van Aswegen Zoelfah Martin Nadine Morley for a personalised travel solution today!
#travelupdates #newsonline
SA – Cape Town, taxi strike update: Cape Town’s taxi strike has been extended by another 48 hours after the South African National Taxi Council applied for an urgent interdict to release impounded taxis
Hawaii – Raging wildfires reported across Maui county in Hawaii
UK – More strikes at Gatwick Airport announced, from August 18, and another four days from August 25
Japan/South Korea – Tropical Storm Khanun is tracking across south Gyeongsang Province, South Korea, after making landfall earlier today
Sweden – Flooding in central Sweden yesterday, as Storm Hans brought heavy rains & flooding
Denmark – Denmark extends its tightened border security checks until at least August 17
Belgium – Ryanair pilots in Belgium to continue strikes at Brussels South Charleroi Airport from August 14-15
Happy Thursday Taggers – focus on your goals, not your fears!
Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Kriloshni Gounden Terry Annandale Henry Annandale Kefilwe Mamashela michelle powell Shirani Gaymans Yumna Adams Tracey-lee Rhoode Abida Osman Joy Adams James Gerber Tamsiane Ruiter – Kontyo Gillian Hurford Alison Leon Candice October Candice Cabrita Tamryn Jonker Ann (Bobbi) Markantonis Rosa Dos Santos
#tagtravel #wedoitdifferently #bettertravelmanagement #customerexperience #keepmovingforward #GetTAGGED