TAG News

TAG Mantra

#mantra2024 #changeforyou #travel4u
Time is the greatest gift you can give another person. After all everything else fades away, breaks, wears out; but those memories and times you spent together will live on forever.

Our TAG (Travel Assignment Group) 2024 #mantra #travel4u has had our team sharing great thoughts, intentions and good vibes all-round!

On this #winningwednesday Head of Sales Debbie Van Heerden
launches her 20-twenty4-U with these words and for her the meanings she’ll take into her work-year:

Success – being successful in my day to cold calling of potential new clients
Wins – closing the deals
Relationships – networking within the travel industry and with my internal peers

Debs in her short time at TAG has made significant strides and her 2024 #wins will have her #tagtribe backing her 100% – CONNECT TODAY!

Her personal goal and intention is to ‘create more of a balance between work and home life.’ The great family pic shares her love of family and special times to be treasured.

TAG Team Leader Pauline Collinson also a relative ‘newbie’ has too made such a positive impact on our team – we’re excited to see how her expertise and skill-set moves us forward in 2024, onwards and upwards!

“For 2024 I have set myself personal and work goals, so the following three words stood out for me.

I put Balance first as it is my priority to maintain a harmonious relationship between my work and personal life and this is very important to me.

I need to work in terms of aligning my personal goals and development via my talents and potential in order to achieve my dreams and aspirations.

From growing and achieving my desired results, success should follow, whether it be my personal or work growth.

It’s going to bring new goals, new achievements and lots of new inspirations – I am excited! Like Joey on Friends ‘giving and receiving and receiving and giving and giving and receiving.’😊 Let’s do this 2024!!” ~ Pauline

Reset. Restart. Refocus.
As many times
as you need to Taggers.

Winning mindset,
that’s the TAG way!

Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Irene Van Aswegen Zoelfah Martin Candice Cabrita Tamryn Jonker Alison Leon Gillian Hurford Kriloshni Gounden Terry Annandale Henry Annandale Nadine Morley Caroline Ramphele Kefilwe Mamashela Joy Adams Andrina Skhosana Themba Mpemvu Katleho Mpemvu Yumna Adams Genavieve Hendricks

#tagtravel #wedoitdifferently #winningteams #togetherweadvance #togetherintravel #mantras #2024goals #championsofcustomerhappiness #GetTAGGED