Travel News

Adjusted Level 3 Rules & Regulations

Patience & Optimism!

Fellow South Africans,
“Despite the severity of the pandemic in our country, we are not helpless. As we have shown over the last 10 months, our actions do have an impact on the direction and the extent of the disease. We have shown that when we work together, we can make a difference.” – Ramaphosa, 11 Jan’21

South Africa remains on Adjusted Level 3 Rules & Regulations until 15 Feb ’21, with a few ‘edits’. Curfew hours now 9pm-5am. The 20 land borders which were opened, are now closed until 15 Feb, incl. Beitbridge, Lebombo, Maseru Bridge, Oshoek, Ficksburg & Kopfontein. Entry allowed to school-goers, diplomats, valid visa holders, transportation of fuel/goods & medical attention. Traveling to & from the Republic is allowed, subject to sub-regulation. International & Domestic Travel is Open.
Still many questions around vaccination programme, distribution & roll-out – with priority to the vulnerable & front line workers.
Delivery & distribution timeously to all is key, so SA can:
Rebuild. Restart. Renew. Reset.
Pivotal moment Mr President if we are to recover from the harsh impact of covid-19. Please send us a lifeline & communicate often. South Africans need positive news, regular updates on the vaccination process please.
Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Kim Parker