Travel News

Adjusted Level 4 Lockdown

TAG Travel - Better Business Travel Management

South Africa moves to adjusted level 4 lockdown – here are the new restrictions, rules and regulations in effect from Monday, 28 June – 11 July 2021.

In Summary:
Inter-provincial Travel is Open & International Travel (where possible) is Open EXCEPT for Gauteng – no leisure travel allowed, only for work/business/freight allowed for next 14 days. People will be permitted to return home to the province if they are currently outside the borders.
5 airports remain open for International Travel: OR Tambo, Cape Town, King Shaka, Kruger Mpumalanga & Lanseria airports.
Curfew 9pm to 4am & non-essential establishments to close by 8pm.
Public spaces remain open, no gatherings.
Hotels/Lodges/Resorts – operate at 50% capacity & only room service/food delivery.
Gyms/casinos/cinemas closed.
Gatherings Prohibited: religious, social, political & cultural gatherings not allowed.
Closure of Schools from June 30. All contact classes at universities and other tertiary facilities will stop on Weds.
Funerals – restricted max 50 people; ‘after tears’ gatherings not allowed.
Visits to old age homes and care facilities will be restricted;.
Sale of alcohol both for on-site & off-site consumption is prohibited.
Restaurants/eateries may only serve food for takeaway or delivery.
All employers should allow their employees to work from home unless it is necessary for them to perform work on-site.
Masks remain mandatory, social distancing & health protocols rules still apply.
The restrictions will remain in place for 14 days and will be assessed thereafter. So we knuckle-down Taggers, we take care of ourselves, families & communities. Our TAG (Travel Assignment Group) agents continue to serve our customers, ensuring peace of mind travels and getting you & yours safely back & forth.

Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Kim Parker Gillian Hurford Nadine Morley Henry Annandale michelle powell Shirani Gaymans Zoelfah Martin

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