TAG News

Head of Sales Kim Parker

TAG Travel - Better Business Travel Management

#womenmakechange #womensmonth2022

In celebration of Women’s Month 2022, the #fridayvibes shared and #shoutout comes from our fearless TAG (Travel Assignment Group) Head of Sales Kim Parker!

Kim’s favourite quote is from John C Maxwell’s best seller, ’21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership’ –  where he chats about the ‘Law of Connection’ and it is the leaders role to ensure they connect with their team, the quote that Kim most loves is, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”.

Caring for each other instead of seeing another woman as competition or a threat, is our biggest challenge as strong women in business, Kim adds and we agree with her sentiment and ‘wish for women in 2022’ below.

“I wish woman would support each other more, be each other’s greatest fans! This is what we do in the TAG Sales Team.

And my #shoutout goes to Zoelfah Martin and Irene Van Aswegen
who are some of the strongest women I know, completing and succeeding at the hardest tasks presented to us in Sales and balancing work life and home life like absolute pro’s. I support these ladies 100%!!”

ALL the #fridayfeels right now. Thanks Kim for sharing!

That’s the TAG way!

Happy #weekendtravels Taggers!

Jonathan Gerber Gavin Stevens Joelene Roberts Gillian Hurford michelle powell Shirani Gaymans Abida Osman Candice Cabrita Nadine Morley

#tagtravel #wedoitdifferently #tagtribespeaks #dreamteam #strongertogether #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomeninbusiness #womenchangemakers #GetTAGGED