TAG News

In celebration of Women’s Month 2022

TAG Travel - Better Business Travel Management

#womenmakechange #womensmonth2022

In celebration of Women’s Month 2022, the #tuesdaychooseday motivation shared and #shoutout comes from our amazing and strong TAG (Travel Assignment Group) team member, Nadine Morley!

Nadine’s ‘word’ to women packs a punch and on a #chooseday reminds us all to pick ourselves first! Not selfishly but because if you don’t love yourself, believe in yourself, then how can you expect others to.

Nadine’s reminder, “Love yourself for who you are, don’t EVER let anyone put you down.”

Her ‘wish for women’, is that we are all accepted for whom we are. For our abilities and not for our looks, colour, religion or sex.

Nadine’s #shoutout is to colleague, Terry Annandale – “for your bravery, your positive attitude in life and you wonderful nature – you always make me feel so positive.”

That’s the TAG way!

Happy #tuesdaytravels Taggers!

Jonathan Gerber Gavin Stevens Joelene Roberts Kim Parker Irene Van Aswegen Zoelfah Martin Rosa Dos Santos Ann (Bobbi) Markantonis Kriloshni Gounden Henry Annandale Gillian Hurford Jenna De Agrela Candice October

#tagtravel #wedoitdifferently #tagtribespeaks #dreamteam #strongertogether #womenempowerment #makinganimpact #makingadifference #womeninbusiness #womenchangemakers #GetTAGGED