TAG News

Look at us, mid-January already

#mondaymantra #changeforyou #travel4u

Good Monday Morning Taggers!

Look at us, mid-January already, but let’s be honest we know January actually has 365 000 days in it 😂 so let’s dig in and make this week count.

Change is essential to growth.
The greater the growth,
the greater the change required.

✨ Tagger Caroline Ramphele shares her #mantra2024

🙌 Her first 3 words to launch her 20-twenty4-U are:
Freedom – Allowing myself to be whom I want to be amongst the people I love (my family at work and home)
Success – To continue working hard and focusing on the important goals
Alignment – Aligning myself and 2024 goals/plans towards positive achievements

‘My personal self-goal and mission is to provide a home for my son. And my image shared shows and embodies the feeling of ‘contentment’. Nothing compares to that special time spent with my son & step-son over the holidays.’ ~ Caroline.

We love Caroline’s intentions and ‘words’ of courage, right! Courage is very important and like a muscle, it is strengthened by use.

✨ Tagger Irene Van Aswegen with her #mantra2024 which is both powerful and personal.

3 words 2024 mantra:
Beauty, Success, Balance

What do those words mean to you?
The key to a successful live is to balance the demand of personal and work life so that neither suffers!

Of the 3, which one makes the most impact (or resonates most) to your 20-twenty4-U.

🎯 “In 2024 for a more ‘balanced’ me, I’m staying true and firm to my boundaries. Setting them, living them and living my truth in them.
Boundaries – define what is me and what is not me. A boundary shows me where I end and someone else begins, leading me to a sense of ownership. Knowing what I am to own and take responsibility for!’ ~ Irene

Yes Gurls!! 😍 Monday motivation best served by these two TAG super stars.

✈ What is your #mantra and #2024goals Taggers?

Get with the magic TAG (Travel Assignment Group) moving forward.
Get on board with the experts in 2024.
Travel for you.
Together in travel.

Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Debbie Van Heerden Zoelfah Martin Kriloshni Gounden Terry Annandale Henry Annandale Ann (Bobbi) Markantonis Jenna De Agrela Rosa Dos Santos Kefilwe Mamashela Pauline Collinson Andrina Skhosana Joy Adams Abida Osman Candice October Yumna Adams

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