#inconversation #travelmanagement
“I think the hardest part
about my job is the best
part of my job – the travel.” ~ Jeff Corwin
Each and every company environment is unique and at TAG (Travel Assignment Group) we believe your corporate travel management solution should be a specialised service crafted around your business’ needs.
Head of Sales Debbie Van Heerden chats through in this #inconversation
segment the importance and relevance of #travelmanagement in 2024; the biggest mistakes corporates make re: travel and from her years of experience, ‘has corporate travel changed or moved on?’
Listen Debs has ‘lots to share’ 😉 so we will definitely be circling back to ‘deeper insights’ on each topic in next editions but cracking open the oyster of her pearls of wisdom are these thoughts..
“Guests & especially the corporate traveller is today more price conscious and tend to want to be more hands on – they have become wiser when it comes to travel. The internet and technology have made travelling more accessible, plenty of choices, easy to navigate sites inviting one to book and get quotes…
IMO often here lies the biggest mistake – by being more hands-on and booking themselves is ‘all fine’, until it’s not, right?! When something goes wrong, they have no-one to talk to. The traveller finds themselves ‘talking’ and often relaying their story numerous times to different people at a call centre (that is if you get through first!) and that defeats the object of trying to do it themselves to ‘save a rand or two’.
In a #nutshell TAG’s Travel Management Solution SAVES you time – one stop shop and end to end travel solution – no more booking manually, you would use our travel technology to book, and all content is on one single page!
TAG’s solution is best , why – we are real people dealing with real people’s problems, our Exco are firsthand, always there to take the call & meet in person. We treat our customers like guests, which sets us apart from the rest. We are experts in travel with over 55 years’ service combined. When coming onboard we designate consultants to your account to allow you to build
solid relationships and trust. We value our relationships that we have with our corporate guests & at every interaction make them feel special.”
🚀 Further editions will see Debs unpack – travel savings; 24/7 support; real-time reporting; travel policy compliance & so much more on the juicy-bits of corporate travel – stay tuned, stay informed, stay connected.
Visions and ventures in 2024 – chat to Debbie Irene Van Aswegen Zoelfah Martin to partner on #winningways ahead!
Happy Monday Taggers – Make it Count!
Jonathan Gerber Joelene Roberts Gavin Stevens Kriloshni Gounden Nadine Morley Henry Annandale Yumna Adams Abida Osman Gillian Hurford Terry Annandale Rosa Dos Santos Ann (Bobbi) Markantonis Shirani Gaymans michelle powell Tamsiane Ruiter – Kontyo Alison Leon
#tagtravel #wedoitdifferently #bettertravelmanagement #togetherintravel