TAG Foundation features as the EasyEquities #donateforgood charity for the month of March. What a great way to invest not only in your own future, but to make a contribution to the future of others is truly special. It’s that #easy – go check it out! www.easyequities.co.za We’re so grateful and hopeful for this opportunity. #tagpride💗
A winning start for TAG Foundation and KES Old Boy Ngia Selengbe and the homeside XV the Lions in a nailbiter clash vs the NNC Pumas. Well done Ngia and also special shoutout to special friend of TAG, Coach Mziwakhe Nkosi on his debut win in the SA preparation matches.
Great News! TAG Foundation & KES OB Ngia Selengbe on the bench, named in match day squad for new look Lions vs NNC Pumas on Friday. Coach Mzeke Nkosi will lead the Lions team for the preparation matches & will be assisted by Wessel Roux. Good luck Ngia! Super to have some form of rugby back again and […]
TAG Foundation Class of 2020 lads achieved 11 distinctions between them & all with a Bachelor Degree Pass. Congrats on your well-deserved success Themba, Keegan, Kian, Mickey, Nick & DP. Best wishes for your next chapter. We’re so proud of these fine young men & massively grateful to TAG Foundation sponsors, donors & friends who make […]
Congrats to TAG Foundation & KES OB Michael Copeland (Class of 2020) on his selection to SA u19 Squad. We’re very proud of you Mickey! Go show your class🏏 enjoy this awesome opportunity. TAG Pride💗
More of our Taggers on the Move! Bryce Parsons (KES OB Class of 2019), makes his Imperial Lions #MODC SF Lions vs Knights debut today! Good luck Champ and we hope the rains hold out, so you can show your red class🏏 TAG Pride💗
Super proud of TAG Foundation & KES OB (Class of 2020) Michael Copeland captaining the 2021 Imperial Lions Cubs XI. The 2021 Imperial Lions Cubs Team are in Stellenbosch ahead of the 2021 CSA Franchise Cubs Week scheduled to begin on Wednesday 3rd February 2021. Watch Here: https://www.facebook.com/FoundationTAG/videos/132902458677809 Read more⬇️ https://cglcricket.o…s-week-underway/ Give it horns Mickey🏏 TAG Family will […]
Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it. TAG Foundation co-founder Jonathan Gerber & wife Traci Gerber had a very definite vision when they founded the TAG Foundation. The Foundation is driven by the spirit of Ubuntu & the will to make a difference in […]